RnP Parent Speak | My journey with Moose and Spring – Aarti

As a first time pet parent in 2021, I was excited and overwhelmed at the responsibility I had taken on when I adopted a senior Labrador and a spitz puppy at the same time. Little did I know the transformation these loving beings would bring in my life.

One lazy Sunday morning, I decided to google pet friendly cafes to spend a lovely winter morning and chanced upon Rocks and Pebbles. The minute I stepped in, I was transported into a space where dogs are respected, loved and cared for like family. What also impressed me was the discipline with which the park is maintained. It is clean and hygienic for dogs and humans. This was the first time I saw my spitz run with carefree abandon and my Labrador take a peaceful stroll as he enjoyed the winter morning smells.

Over the past 2 years, R&P has become my family and support system. R&P has fostered a community that includes, seeks help and offers support generously. The community celebrates responsibly and festivals like Diwali are made inclusive for everyone. R&P has also helped me and my canines reconnect with nature through the various treks. The various talks by canine specialists have also helped me empathise with my pets and work with them. While my pets are lovingly spoiled at R&P, they also receive invaluable socialisation in a disciplined manner. Regularly going to the park helped my Labrador age in reverse, gain agility he had lost and fend off his arthritis and hip dysplasia significantly. My spitz, an anxious dog, is now learning to trust humans and dogs and be less reactive. She’s even learning to play with other dogs, something she never did till the age of 2! The patient perseverance of the staff at R&P demonstrates everyday benefits not just to the dogs but also to their human families.

R&P is also home away from home for the pets. One never has to think for an instant before planning outings or events. With R&P, I was always sure that Moose and Spring are getting as much tender, loving care as at home. Our journey with R&P is only beginning. It has not only benefited Moose and Spring, but has also made me confident to volunteer at the local shelter for dogs. I am able to use the learning I have received with R&P to train and help dogs at the shelter find forever homes. In this sense, R&P’s impact is way more than what is apparent on its students.

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