How Did It Start

The need of a dog to socialize and release pent-up energy can be met only if we have adequate spaces where they can be unleashed safely. In cities, we often find different sized breeds staying in flats where the opportunity to get adequate exercise is limited.

The result is a lot of obese dogs, dogs with weak limbs, dogs with behavioral issues.

We observed these issues with many of the pets in Gurgaon. This gave birth to the idea of Rocks and Pebbles Dog Park.

Our Dog Park is not the only one in Gurgaon. But the city being home to ever increasing number of pets, we still have room for many more!

The park is also an expression of love and passion from the founder, which was discovered due to her experience with her pets (the girls, Tara and Sitara).

We started in April 2019 and became fully operational y August 2019.

Just like every place or organization built out of love and passion, Rocks and Pebbles also has a few foundational values.

  • We are dog-centric
  • We keep the dogs unleashed
  • We are a kennel-free, free-roam boarding
  • We value transparency in how we deal internally and with the Rocks and Pebbles parents
  • We give the highest priority to Safety – Dog safety, Parent safety, Staff safety, Property safety – in that order!
  • We will always learn and improve

Every aspect of the park and boarding design, staff training, operating procedures and communication can be tied back to one or more of our foundational values.

Please join the Rocks and Pebbles family for a wonderful journey for you and your pet!

Welcome to Rocks and Pebbles!

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