Introducing Snowy – The soul of Rocks and Pebbles

It was a cold December morning in 2019. We were barely 5 months old. I checked my messages and noticed 64 unread messages in the Rocks and Pebbles Community group. Going through them, Snowy’s story unfolded.

Snowy is a 13-14 year mixed breed, abandoned dog found tied up in front of a rescuer’s shop. One of the RnP parents requested if the community can adopt him and pay for his life-long care at the Park.

Within minutes, several of them came together and created a spreadsheet with contributions for Snowy and a process where this can be done in a sustainable way.

All I had to do was to say Yes!

We welcomed Snowy and are enriched by his continuous presence, simple needs and zeal for life.

He has created his favorite spot – behind the hammock and if he is not sleeping inside, you will find him there when you visit us!

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