Roxy is a large sized Himalayan sheep dog. Naturally she’s highly spirited and needs lots of open outdoors to exercise her long limbs. 

Roxy was a covid baby so her first year was spent in our community dog park where there were challenges of being leash free or running on the road etc. 

I heard about Rocks & Pebbles (RnP) through a friend. Roxy was about a year and a half when she started there. At first sight, I fell in love with RnP. It’s large, open green spaces with shaded areas for rest , cool rooms for stay and the sight of other dogs running around without leash inside solid safe fencing were a gift godsent for my Roxy. 

The owner, Vandana Sinha, came across as a very compassionate, understanding animal lover trying to do her best for the pooches with a well trained dedicated staff. It set me dreaming about using the boarding facilities of such an establishment when need arose ( I was not able to travel without my dogs before this ) and the best part was the pickup and drop facility provided by the school. The fact that my beloved Roxy would be going to school was a thrill by itself. The swimming pool was an added bonus as it’s the perfect exercise for dogs. The charges were also reasonable and fair. Since then Roxy has been a permanent student at the school. 

The biggest benefit of sending Roxy to RnP has been the socialisation aspect of school. Making friends, getting along with other dogs, eating with them , playing , sleeping, travelling together , all under supervision and moderate behaviour modification as required, has played a huge role in Roxy being a relaxed, fit and friendly dog. She specially enjoys going on treks with her friends and family, organised by the school. Her food needs are also well taken care of by the school. 

I’m not worried about her when she’s at school because they have a good vet on call in case medical intervention is needed. 

Roxy’s birthday celebrations at RnP are made so special with a party atmosphere set up by the school and all the dogs have so much fun. Finally, Roxy has started to enjoy her own birthday cake too. 

Over the years, RnP has become Roxy’s home away from home. 

Parul Kala, Mom


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